Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Catholic State of Our Values

I have a post up at Sollicitudo Rei Socialis(http://socialconcern.blogspot.com/2006/02/catholic-state-of-our-values.html) on the Catholic State of Our Values, kind of a response to President Bush's State of the Union address but really more of a reflection on our own Catholic values. It reads, in part:

Like America itself, the American Catholic Church has been lamentably divided, and American Catholic values along with it. We have been divided by political partisanship and bitter ecclesiastical disagreements. We have been divided by our own selfishness. If the state of our American Catholic values is still strong in the hearts of American Catholics, it is only by God's grace that this is so. We must turn, therefore, to he who is the only one capable of uniting what has been fractured by sin. We must turn to God our Father and ask him with all our hearts to answer the prayer of his beloved Son: that we may all be one -- for the United States of America, for the American Catholic Church, for the entire Catholic Church, and for our broken world. Come, Holy Spirit! Amen.

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