Sunday, February 12, 2006

Celibate Gay Catholic Assumes Too Much

Via Dappled Things: John Heard(, AKA Dreadnought(, has an interesting reflection on St. Augustine and the boredom of lust. In and of itself, the reflection is good -- but it assumes too much about gays and lesbians, who are depicted as constant horndogs. John Heard perpetuates what he must know is not really true, the straight myth that all gays and lesbians are primarily concerned about sex. He perpetuates the straight libel against us, that we are all a bunch of nymphomaniacs who want to get it on with every person of the same gender in sight.

This libelous claim gains much force when it is put forth by gays and lesbians, and I think it's shameful that John would so injure his lesbian and gay sisters and brothers.

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