Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hate Crime in Massachusetts

For those of you who haven't heard, 18-year-old Jacob D. Robida is suspected to have committed a hate crime at a gay bar in New Bedford, MA. Robida allegedly walked into the bar, asked if it was a gay bar, and then proceeded to attack several customers with a hatchet and then a gun. Three men were injured, at least one of whom is now in critical condition.

* Read the Human Rights Campaign's press release.

* Read Sen. Edward Kennedy's (D-MA) statement.

* From Geek Boi - Uncensored: "Why do these sorts of things happen?" A good question with no easy answers, but I think he may have something.

* From The Boston Globe: Robida's friends, including a girl who says that she is "part black and a lesbian," say that Robida has no history of homophobia. Curiouser and curiouser. Meanwhile, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) points out that New Bedford is usually gay friendly, having elected him repeatedly to the House of Representatives and having re-elected Rep. Gerry Studds after he became the first openly gay congressman back in 1984.

* Update (2/4/06, 9:05 P.M.): Robida has been apprehended in Arkansas after a shootout with police in which a police officer was killed and another woman was found dead. Robida himself was also injured and was airlifted to a hospital in Missouri.

* Update (2/5/06, 11:50 A.M.): Robida has died as a result of the injuries he received in yesterday's shootout. Eternal rest grant unto him and his deceased victims, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

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