- Rep. Tom Brinkman (R-34)
- Rep. Linda Reidelbach (R-21)
- Rep. John Willamowski (R-04)
- Rep. Derrick Seaver (R-78)
- Rep. James Hoops (R-75)
- Rep. Danny Bubp (R-88)
- Rep. Mike Gilb (R-76)
- Rep. Stephen Buehrer (R-74)
- Rep. Tim Schaffer (R-05)
H.B. 515 would prohibit the following:
- adoption by an individual who is homosexual, bisexual, or transgender;
- adoption by a step-parent who is homosexual, bisexual, or transgender;
- adoption by an individual who resides with an individual who is homosexual, bisexual, or transgender;
- foster care by an individual who is homosexual, bisexual, or transgender;
- foster care by an individual who resides with an individual who is homosexual, bisexual, or trangender.
Far from protecting Ohio's adoptive and foster children, H.B. 515 would ensure that fewer homes with loving families are available for these children while also discriminating against GLBT Ohioans and even the straight Ohioans who reside with us. This flies in the face of Republican claims to pro-life values; by decreasing the number of homes in which children can be placed and thus making adoption a less viable option in crisis pregnancies, these representatives and any representative who votes for H.B. 515 are encouraging abortion.
If you are an Ohioan and you believe that all loving families should be able to bring Ohio's adoptive and foster children into their homes, you need to contact your representative and tell him or her to vote against H.B. 515.